Regional volunteers are given with an opportunity to establish AU alumni chapter in their locality, serve as resident, and identify right alumni to act as members of the committees. Alumni chapters generally begin with a small group of dedicated graduates with similar interests and support from a campus department, program or region. An alumni chapter can provide networking and professional development opportunities for alumni and current students in the field, raise funds and awareness in the community or serve as a social outlet for building friendships.

A separate policy for chapter establishment will be available in alumni portal; interested alumni can look upon the same and can register through the following link.

For new and emerging Chapters, are you an Alumni of AU?

The process of creating a formally chartered Alumni Chapter takes approximately 6 months. During this process, the following steps need to me taken :

 Volunteer must identify 10-15 alumni volunteers in the same region, preferably those who can donate 5-10 hours a month in establishing the new chapter.

 Identify a faculty or staff member from the college, to serve as the official department or program liaison/advisor between the alumni chapter and AU alumni relations.

 Each new volunteer leader would need to be actively involved in the leadership team/board for 2 years in order to lay the foundation for the new chapter (e.g. the purpose, annual goals, events, membership recruitment etc.)

 Each board member of chapter must sign a volunteer contract committing to a role within the chapter for at least 24 months after joining the Alumni Association.

 Facilitate a meeting with all the stakeholders (e.g. volunteers, faculty, student representatives, and Chapter Programs Associate) to determine roles and functions for each alumni volunteer.

 Set chapter goals and implement minimum two events, (one fall and one spring) of local networking and industry relevance.

Further agreement forms, policy and other procedures can be taken through AU Alumni relations office. Upon review, the Alumni office of AU will convene a committee to review the chapter request forms and make a recommendation to the Board of Directors in the granting of a charter. Charter activities will be reviewed periodically by the AU alumni relations office to ensure that it synergizes with the mission and values of the University, the respective Alumni Associations and all relevant rules and regulations.

All you need to do is to provide your personnel details by clicking Get Started button shown on the right of the window.

Anna University, Chennai - 600025

Anna University Centre for Alumni Relations and Corporate Affairs - [CARCA]

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