Without exception, our university prepares students for productive careers and meaningful lives, as well as encourages them to expand their social skills through civic engagement both during and after their graduation. Our University also points with pride to the successes of its alumni and their contributions around the world. We all claim them as our most important output and the yardstick by which we measure the effectiveness of our academic and student building programs.

In this context, the alumni who are in academics or having good connections with leading universities can create opportunities for students interested in research and come forward to extend facility for them to pursue the same in relevant fields. Anna University has evolved a novel bridging platform in two avenues.

 Students interested to pursue research can look at higher studies opportunities abroad and in parallel employable opportunities in various industries and companies.

 Alumni can share their available / known research opportunities abroad for short stay / to pursue Ph.D. with fellowships / scholarships / any other opportunities.


Student can perform the below functionalities, seeking help from the admin when necessary.

 Register through the Portal: Students can register in the portal by entering their details.

 View Details about the Research Work: Students can view the Details about the Research Work posted by the admin and alumni

 Modify Profile & Interact with alumni: Students can make changes to his/her profile and interact with alumni for references.

 Apply Jobs: Students can apply jobs which match their profiles

 Contact Alumni Admin: If the students have any queries they can contact the admin

Alumni and perform the following functionalities, and may contact the admin for any help

 Nature of Research Work: Alumni can post the Details about the Research Work

 Register: Alumni can register in the portal by giving the details.

 Modify Profile: Alumni can make changes to his profile

 Edit: Alumni can edit the Details about the Research Work

 View: alumni can also view the Details about the Research Work that are posted by him and others.

 Contact admin: For queries and navigating the site.

Admin can perform the following functionalities and have control over all the users for adding or for deleting. The admin can respond to the user queries and send the response via mail.

 Edit/Delete Students: Admin can make changes to the student profile.

 Edit /Delete Alumni: Admin can make changes to the admin profile.

 Post Details about the Research Work: Admin can also post Details about the Research Work in the portal.

 Send notification to students/Alumni

For Alumni : All you need to do is to provide the required details on the Research Work as given under Functionalities by clicking Get Started button shown on the right of the window.

For Student : Login for Registration to view the nature of Research Work posted by Alumni as given under Functionalities by clicking Get Started button shown on the right of the window.

Anna University, Chennai - 600025

Anna University Centre for Alumni Relations and Corporate Affairs - [CARCA]

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